In both cases, we are talking about a common foundation—the creative element of human nature. However, the fundamental difference between these two professions is in the communication with viewer or consumer of the work. The process of creating a work of art by an artist happens without any prior communication with the person viewing the work. For a designer, communication takes place first, and then the design is created based on this conversation.
When we talk about the end goals of art and design, artists do not have a specific problem to solve or even a clear idea of who their audience may be. They must first and foremost understand themselves and work within themselves, establishing an emotional connection with the viewer through their works. This means artists’ works can be interpreted in many ways because people connect with them in different ways.
On the other hand, designers must understand “others”—the target audience for which they are designing. Designers also have specific tasks and have to solve specific problems. The main goal is often to deliver a message and encourage the consumer to take action: come to an exhibition, buy, order, etc. In this regard, they are more like composers who create something new from different simple musical forms, just as a musicians create melodies from singular notes. Designers create new connections from bits and pieces of their experience and synthesize something new, expanding the field of communication.