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How We Work

Great ideas start messy, are honed, streamlined, then given wings to fly above the fray. We trust our process and know that to create something truly unique involves embracing the unknown, staying the course through chaos, and trusting when to zig instead of zag. Our knowledge and expertise give us both confidence to take creative risks, and the ability to be flexible. Regardless of the project, we go through a rigorous process of imagining, designing, testing, re-imagining and testing again. Only our best designs ever leave the hive.

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Great ideas start messy, are honed, streamlined, then given wings to fly above the fray. We trust our process and know that to create something truly unique involves embracing the unknown, staying the course through chaos, and trusting when to zig instead of zag. Our knowledge and expertise give us both confidence to take creative risks, and the ability to be flexible. Regardless of the project, we go through a rigorous process of imagining, designing, testing, re-imagining and testing again. Only our best designs ever leave the hive.

Our Values

The Power of Design

Good design improves culture and makes the world a better place for people to live.


We’ll always fly the extra mile to deliver the best results possible.

Work-life Balance

Good design comes from healthy minds. Only people with balanced lives can consistently produce excellent work.


We work only with companies that strive to make a positive difference in the world.

Getting Things Done

Great ideas only matter when paired with great execution.

It Takes a Hive

Oddbee is a team of happy creatives who’ve managed to escape big agency traps. Founded in 2014 in Toronto, we’ve grown into a buzzing hive of professionals from all over the world — we hire the best people, no matter where they are. Our diverse cultural and professional backgrounds help us see the world from a unique perspective and create truly original design work together.

Katerina Lyadova

Founder / Creative Director

Yulia Kovaleva

Technical Lead

Ablai Rakhimbekov

Graphic/Motion Designer

Saida Adelshinova

Project Manager

Max Hodlevskyi

Art Director / Graphic Designer

Polina Shapoval

Graphic Designer

The Hive

20+ design, copywriting, strategy and illustration partners

Join the Hivemind

Want to work remotely anywhere in the world in a team of likeminded people, grow professionally, get competitive salary and deliver cool stuff?

Send your portfolio/resume to

Let’s Talk

We love to talk about design. Tell us about your project in the form below.

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Jordan will get back you shortly. Meanwhile check out our latest case study